Sivas University of Science and Technology was established in the Official Gazette dated 18.05.2018 and numbered 30425, among 16 Universities established within the scope of the Law No. 7141 Amending the Higher Education Law and Some Laws and Statutory Decrees, without any division from any university. With the relevant law, 3 Faculties, 1 School of Foreign Languages, 1 Vocational School and 1 Institute were established in our University; 300 academic and 351 administrative staff were created. The rector was appointed on 27 December 2018 and the establishment works started as of January 2019.

In the globalizing world, the power of knowledge is increasing day by day, and the cross-border aspect of scientific knowledge is becoming more visible. The roles and responsibilities undertaken by universities today and their structuring models are shaped according to the change and development experienced.

The field of Turkish Higher Education has also witnessed a number of new developments in recent years, in the context of the studies carried out at the national level to put an end to foreign dependency in the fields of national development and especially national security and take the place it deserves in international competition. Finally, in 2016, by the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education, 15 universities were determined as research universities for mission-oriented studies in regional development, based on the idea that universities should be structured with different thematic areas and different missions.

Agriculture and Defense Industry areas, which are two of the three priority development areas determined in the 11th Development Plan, match with the academic units included in our Establishment Law.


Strong University-Industry Cooperation

In order to provide R&D services to the defense industry sector and to train qualified personnel and researchers. It was determined in consultation with the leading defense companies in the field such as ASELSAN, ROKETSAN, TÜBİTAK SAGE, TÜBİTAK UZAY, TÜBİTAK BİLGEM, TÜBİTAK MAM, HAVELSAN and TUSAŞ-TAI, curriculum contents were created together with our sectoral stakeholders, and undergraduate and graduate program designs were realized in this way.

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, especially in consultation and cooperation with the relevant units of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, public and private institutions and organizations operating in the field of food and agriculture were designed to be an Agricultural R&D Center that will produce solutions in Sivas, which is an agricultural city, is self-sufficient in terms of food and agricultural products of the region and the country and has the strength to compete in the foreign market.


Industry Consulting, Sectoral Theses and Projects

In the spring semester of 2020, education actually started at the postgraduate level at our University. In the spring semester of the 2021-2022 Academic Year, it continued education at the graduate level in the Department of Defense Technologies (interdisciplinary) master's and doctorate programs with thesis, and in the Department of Agricultural Sciences (interdisciplinary) and Plant Protection doctorate programs in the Graduate Education Institute. Our University, which stands out with its industrial consultancy in addition to academic thesis consultancy in postgraduate theses, enables postgraduate theses to be written in the fields needed by the sector, with the guidance and contributions of experts from the sector. In this way, graduate theses focus on solving a problem in the sector, while both students and academicians of our University contact the sector and transfer their experience in the field to the academy. Most of the postgraduate theses proceed with a roadmap that will turn into an application project and then a final product in the industrial establishment where the industrial thesis advisor is located.

7+1 Applied Education Model

Exemplary University-Industry collaborations carried out in graduate programs and the experience gained have also been a guide for undergraduate education. Thanks to the sustainable relationship established with the sector, Trainee Engineering and Candidate Engineering protocols have already been signed with local and national sector representatives, which coincide with the departments opened at our University, and the infrastructure for the training of our students who will receive undergraduate education at our University with field experience has been prepared with the 7+1 Applied Education Model. Our distinguished institutions, which are very satisfied with this application, already promise a job guarantee to our graduates who meet the criteria to comply with employment policies.

Monthly Scholarship Opportunity up to 15 Thousand Lira

Sivas Municipality, which supports the establishment and development of our university at every stage, has made a rare scholarship support commitment for successful undergraduate students to choose Sivas University of Science and Technology. It has been officially taken under protocol between Dr. Mehmet KUL. In this context, the following scholarships will be paid to successful students by Sivas Municipality for eight months a year during their education period;



Monthly Cash Scholarship + Gift


15.000,00 TL + Laptop


10.000,00 TL + Laptop


5.000,00 TL + Laptop


2.500,00 TL + Laptop


2.000,00 TL + Tablet


1.000,00 TL + Tablet


100% English Curriculum

The Computer Engineering and Electrical-Electronics Engineering departments within the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences and the Aeronautical Engineering Department within the Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics will open their doors to their first students in the Fall Semester of 2022. The quotas in Computer Engineering, Electrical-Electronics Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering departments are 25, and 1 year of compulsory preparatory education will be given by our School of Foreign Languages, and students who successfully complete the preparation will be transferred to the department courses that will be taught in 100% English.

Within the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, the Plant Protection Department will welcome its students for the first time with a quota of 20 students. The language of instruction of the Plant Protection Department is Turkish and it will train successful agricultural engineers.

Rich Culture and Sports Infrastructure in the City Center

The first stage construction of our campus building, which is located in the schools district, one of the busiest centers of the city, where education and administrative activities will be carried out, will be completed by the end of August 2022 and will be moved to the beginning of September. Our campus, located on the Ankara-Erzincan Ring Road, is a campus that hosts many attraction areas, especially Sivasspor Football Stadium, Sivas Youth and Sports Provincial Directorate facilities with an Olympic-level sports branch infrastructure of around forty, and Sivas's only shopping center. The investment project required for the completion of the remaining part of the building known as Sivas Education, Fair and Congress Center has been included in the 2022 budget, and the tender process has been initiated. With the completion of the entire structure, our University will have a beautiful campus with an open area of ​​56 thousand square meters and a closed area of ​​approximately 40 thousand square meters at the most lively point of the city.


It is planned to start the work on the 840-decare Central Campus area in the Kurtderesi District, whose Zoning Plan approval process continues, after the final allocation.

Copyright © 2025 Sivas Bilim ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi,Gültepe Mahallesi Mecnun Otyakmaz Caddesi No:1 Merkez/Sivas
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