Born in 1979, Prof. Dr. Emre Biçer graduated from the Department of Chemistry at Ankara University Faculty of Science in 2003, where he entered in 1999. He completed his master's degree and doctoral studies in Ankara University Chemistry Department in 2006 and 2012, respectively. Then he was appointed as an Associate Professor to the Department of Engineering Sciences at Sivas Science and Technology University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences in 2018 and as a Professor in 2023.

Prof. Dr. Emre Biçer worked at TÜBİTAK MAM Energy Institute between 2007-2013, at Münster University Electrochemical Energy (MEET) in 2013, at Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center between 2015-2018, and at Vestel Electronics between 2019-2020. Prof. Dr. Emre Biçer has 24 articles published in SCI journals, and 45 presentations at national and international scientific meetings. He has one published book and 4 chapters in books, 3 of which are international. In addition, he has been involved as the principal investigator and researcher in 5 EU projects, 6 TÜBİTAK projects, 6 private sector projects, and 6 BAP projects.

Prof. Dr. Emre Biçer served as the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Sivas Science and Technology University between 2020-2021, and as the Director of the Institute of Graduate Education at Sivas Science and Technology University between 2021-2023.

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